All of the things we can do to treat the air are great, but the fact is using traditional tools and methods to eliminate house dust are not effective.

You are not eliminating dust, you are only moving a lot of it around.

much of your effort is wasted.

While every household is unique and diverse, we all have one thing in common. we want ourselves and our loved ones to be safe and healthy!

Our product not only provides you with an amazingly clean home for you and your family, but it also gives you a dust free allergy and germ free environment as it is possible with today's technology.

         Finally A Solution


         In Home Pollution!

              Call Today!

  Your health is important to us.


 Our in home demonstrations are free, fun and educational.

            No obligation!

just for setting an appointment we will give you a free gift!

       That's right a free gift!

With a retail value of $119.00

What is this free gift you are wondering? it's a 3in1 aromatherapy, humidifier and it cleans the air at the same time.

It aromatizes the room with any fragrance of your choice. It puts moisture back into the air. Also it purifies the air getting rid of stale air and smoke.

    All with The Power Of water!

Water technology at it's best.

 Call today! 302-256-4509 or book and appointment online on the home page and our customer service reps will contact you to confirm your appointment.