Intoducing The Power Of Water!

Do you suffer from:

  • Allergies?
  • Asthma?
  • Pet dander?
  • Sore throat?
  • Nasal discharge?
  • Irritations to cigarette or cigar smoke?
  • Headache?
  • Nausea?
  • Irritated eyes?
  • Dizziness?
  • Coughing?

Polluted air maybe responsible for these symptoms.



 Many of us spend as much as 90% of our time indoors. Did you know that indoor levels can be 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identified indoor air pollution as one of the top 5 urgent risk to public health.

Regular cleaning stirs up a lot of dust and dirt that gets left in the air and where does it go? into our lungs! We breathe this bad air everyday. Pure air is as important as pure food or water. So why are we not doing anything about it? We can't stop the air pollution outside, but there is something that we can do with the air pollution inside.

Our product is the only Certified Air and Cleaning System in the world, that is a Scheduled A itemized deduction as a medical related expense!

You can't get clean air just by cleaning the air. The source of the dirt in your air is the surfaces, and if we don't get the surfaces clean we'll never have clean air. our Cleaning System provides the healthiest environment possible for you and your family. This System uses no harsh chemicals just ordinary water.

Water can hold a tremendous amount of dirt and it never clogs! keeping your surfaces clean also keeps your air clean. it does not matter whether you are Mr. and Mrs. Cleaning of America, you could clean your home everyday, but if your tools are not working, it does not matter how often you clean or who does it.

Your health is important to us!